I specialize in freestyle photography, combining a photojournalist / documentary style with a sound technical background to deliver one-of-a-kind images for you to enjoy. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts. I am very excited to hear from my guests and clients.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

#188 - I'm a Lucky Guy

Well boys, you can all just eat your hearts out. This lovely girl is married - TO ME!!

This shot was inspired by Nathan Elson who took a similar portrait of his wife back when his career was just taking off. I have yet to shoot with Nathan or have even met him yet but we are kind of acquaintances through some photographer friends we both have in common. He is an awesome photographer and I look forward to shooting with him one day. If you have a chance you should check out his stream. www.flickr.com/photos/nathanelson/

One of the things I enjoy the most about my project 365 is that it is forcing me to try shots that I probably would not have done. This shot was taken with just one strobe fired into my new Lasolite Ezybox that I got for Christmas. I would have just bounced it off of the ceiling but we have a crazy bulkhead in our bathroom and it was giving me some very funky shadows. Awe, let's just face it, anything to play with my new toy.


D300 - 17-55 2.8 - ISO 200, 1/100, f5.6

1 SB800 shot through a 24x24 Ezybox, at 9 o'clock - sorry I can't remember the power setting, I was experimenting. I think this one was shot at 1/16


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