I specialize in freestyle photography, combining a photojournalist / documentary style with a sound technical background to deliver one-of-a-kind images for you to enjoy. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts. I am very excited to hear from my guests and clients.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

#192 - happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone.

My Mom and Dad stumbled upon a guy that painted figures on corks one day and picked up a pair. They asked me if I wanted to try to use them in an image for New Year's Eve and I jumped all over it. Add a little champagne and some bokeh and you got yourself a party.


D300, 50mm 1.4, 1/250, ISO 200

Strobist: SB800 1/128 at 9 o'clock in Lastolite Ezybox - white foam board at 3 o'clock for fill.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

#191 - The Beauty of Destruction

I was going to title this "The Beauty of Construction" but for some reason destruction came out. Don't worry, I'm not going to go off on a rant but as cool as this looks, it makes you wonder what we're doing to our planet.

The cool thing about this image is that it isn't a HDR and I didn't add the starburst, this is what you get when you shoot at f22.

While we are all thinking of what our New Year resolutions might be, perhaps we all should have at least one to do with the environment. Our family has been making a conscious effort all year to reduce, recycle, and re-use but I am sure there is more that we could be doing.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

#190 - Midnight Crossing

Midnight Crossing

Monday, December 28, 2009

#189 - TV Time

I think this has to be my Wife's favorite thing to do. It must be seeing as though she does it every night. She loves her TV and so does her dog, Oscar.

I tried to recreate the light that would come from our TV using just one strobe. I put a CTB filter on it to give the light a slight blue tint so that it would be closer to the real thing. I snooted the light low so that it would run the length of her body, however it didn't agree too much with a white dog, a little blown out for my liking. Looking at it now I wish that I could have used a grid instead to spread the light a little more. I would have liked the couch to show up instead of just her head floating in black space. It didn't look this dark while processing but the all powerful flickr Gods made it darker when uploading. So why didn't I use a grid, well I don't have any yet. That's next on what my wife calls my never ending wish list.


D300 - 70-200 2.8 @ 70mm, 1/250, f22 (to get the dog as much in focus as I could), ISO 500

Strobist: 1 SB600 snooted 1/64 @ 6 o'clock

Sunday, December 27, 2009

#188 - I'm a Lucky Guy

Well boys, you can all just eat your hearts out. This lovely girl is married - TO ME!!

This shot was inspired by Nathan Elson who took a similar portrait of his wife back when his career was just taking off. I have yet to shoot with Nathan or have even met him yet but we are kind of acquaintances through some photographer friends we both have in common. He is an awesome photographer and I look forward to shooting with him one day. If you have a chance you should check out his stream. www.flickr.com/photos/nathanelson/

One of the things I enjoy the most about my project 365 is that it is forcing me to try shots that I probably would not have done. This shot was taken with just one strobe fired into my new Lasolite Ezybox that I got for Christmas. I would have just bounced it off of the ceiling but we have a crazy bulkhead in our bathroom and it was giving me some very funky shadows. Awe, let's just face it, anything to play with my new toy.


D300 - 17-55 2.8 - ISO 200, 1/100, f5.6

1 SB800 shot through a 24x24 Ezybox, at 9 o'clock - sorry I can't remember the power setting, I was experimenting. I think this one was shot at 1/16

Saturday, December 26, 2009

#187 - Daddy's Not-So Little Girl

For Christmas this year I was lucky enough to get some gift certificates to a local camera store, so what else was I to do on Boxing Day but to use them as quickly as I could?!? I have been wanting a softbox for quite a while and was planning on getting a Wescott Apollo 28x28 softbox but unfortunately, no one in the city carries them so I decided to get a Lastolite Ezybox 24x24 softbox instead. I guess I could have ordered one online but then I would have had to have waited and I wouldn't have been able to use my gift certificates. Like a kid with a new toy, I had to play with it as soon as I could. After turkey leftovers, I dragged my youngest daughter away from the home theater and voila! I had a beautiful instant subject - the advantages of having kids.

D300 - 50mm 1.4, 1/100, 1.4, ISO 200

Strobist: SB800 in, you guessed it, a 24x24 Lastolite Ezybox at 5 o'clock, 1/128

Daddy's Not-So Little Girl

Thursday, December 24, 2009

#186 - My Bokehiful Wife

#185 - Sweet House

My Dad won this big gingerbread house in a draw and brought it over for the kids to enjoy. Before they get to dig in to it tomorrow I wanted do grab a shot. I put it in my DIY lightbox and started to shoot, I started with the typical strait on shots but the house was so big I wanted to get right inside the thing. I could not get close enough with my D300 on a tripod so I pulled out my LX3 and gorillapod and was able to get much closer. Who says P&S cameras are only for snapshots. The macro on the LX3 is surprisingly good and I use it often when I can't get into a tough place with my big daddy.

Merry Christmas Eve everyone, I hope Santa is good to you all and you get at least one thing photography related for Christmas.


DIY Light tent/box
4 static work lights with daylight balanced CFL bulbs in them.

Sweet House

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

#184 - Snowy Kiss

Here is another sneak peek of Brad and Genevieve, the couple that I had the privilege of shooting their engagement on Monday night. I will have the rest of the set posted tomorrow - Christmas Eve - yay! For the shoot I rented a D700 for the first time which was a big mistake cause now I have to have one - $$$ I have read many reviews over the past few months but had no idea that it would make that much of a difference and the low light focusing was amazing, aside from the tricky falling snow.

D700 - ISO 1600 (tee hee), 1/200, f2.8

1 SB 800 in DIY Beauty Dish 1/128 at 8 o'clock.

I would have rather of used a 2 light set up with umbrellas for softer light but the wind was too strong and with the cold shooting conditions I had to move quick and light so I was limited to one light on a stick. I am planning on buying a softbox but I assume the wind would affect that as well. Any suggestions on what kind and what size of softbox I should get for my first one. I plan on using it for my Nikon flashes and would like it to be easy to transport.


Snowy Kiss

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

#183 - Horse Crossing

Monday, December 21, 2009

#182 - Evening Stroll

Tonight I had the pleasure of sharing a moment in time that is so special in a couples relationship. As they were walking down this path, Genevieve thought something was up bit didn't know for sure. Brad had made all the arrangements including having a photographer, that being me, to capture him asking his love to be his wife. It was a chilly night but that was all forgotten when Brad got down on one knee and popped the question . . . awe, how romantic. This is just a little sneak peek, I will be posting the entire evening, including the question, later in the week. Congratulations Brad and Genevieve, you are an amazing couple and this is just the start to a long and happy life together as Mr. and Mrs.


Evening Stroll

Sunday, December 20, 2009

#181 - Winter Wonderland

Another shot from yesterday's early morning snowfall. It sure reminds me that Christmas is just around the corner - only 5 more sleeps :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

#180 - Early Morning Snow

It snowed last night and we awoke to a beautiful white blanket covering all of the trees. I jumped in the car and drove about 10 minutes out of town to a county wilderness path. The trees were amazing and out of now where I came across this clearing. The sun was desperately trying to sneak a peek out from behind the clouds and as I was setting up for my shot a dear bolted out from behind me, it scared the begeezes out of me. It was pretty amazing and I did my best to capture it but even in HDR a little of it was lost to the human eye.

Friday, December 18, 2009

#179 - Super Frosty the Snowman - Bokehistan Style

I know, a boring snowman - center cropped none the less but check out the crazy bokeh! For some reason lately I have become somewhat obsessed with bokeh - thanks to Dustin Diaz - www.flickr.com/photos/polvero/ and a new friend recommended to me by the a fore mentioned Mr. Diaz, Roger Lim - www.flickr.com/photos/rogvon. Both of these gentlemen have mastered the art of capturing bokeh and I aspire to one day come close to their level. You can't beat this time of year for finding some bokeh with all the Christmas lights up for the taking. If you are wondering why I keep using the word "Bokehistan", I got it form these two gentlemen. I'm not sure if it has a hidden meaning but I like the way it sounds and it has kinda stuck. Hopefully if I am using it incorrectly, one of them will enlighten me as to where it came from.

D300 - 70-200mm 2.8 at 120mm, 1/8sec, f2.8

SB600 - directly behind and below, bare bulb, 1/64
SB800 - 4'oclockish shoot through umbrella 1/64

Super Frosty The Snowman - Bokehistan Style

Thursday, December 17, 2009

#178 - Way Harder Than it Looks

I decided to try my hand at some painting with light. After seeing it on some other photostreams I thought it was high time I gave it a go, how hard could it be? First off I had the perfect item I was going to paint, a tree for Christmas. Do you think I could find green LED lights anywhere? I finally had to get 2 white ones and then cover them with green cellophane. A little bit of a hassle but I was determined. Then came the drawing part, let's just say when it comes to drawing I couldn't draw my way out of a wet paper bag to save my life. Lucky for me my wife was wiling to give up some of her TV time to help me out. We had a plan - I would draw the tree and she would draw the star, then at the last second she would jump out of the frame and I would fire the flash.

Take 1:
My tree looked like 3 diamonds stacked on top of each other - her star was perfect.

Take 2:
Owen, you draw the star and I'll (my wife) draw the tree - my star looked like a, well I don't think words could describe what it looked like and of course her tree was perfect.

Take 3 - 35:
This whet on back and forth, me tree her star, me star her tree - you can imagine how something that was supposed to be fun wore out very quickly.

Take 36:
The end result - Whoo Hoo!! Don't you just love the expression on my face - can you say CREEPER?

All in all, I'm glad I tried it but I don't think I'll attempt it again for quite a while. I do still want to make one of the light balls by spinning a light on the end of a string but that will have to wait until I can do it outside.

If you read all this, thanks for sharing with me a very frustrating night, the only bright side of it was that my lovely wife was there right next to me laughing and being very patient with my "just one more try" line.


D300 - 17-55mm 2.8
13sec, f9.0

SB600 - 5 o'clock DIY Beauty Dish 1/8
fired at the end of the exposure.

Way Harder Than it Looks

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

#177 - HALT, Jedi Scum! - The Battle of Bokehistan

How can you tell I'm a big Star Wars fan? I found this guy and had to pick him up. I didn't even get out of the store before he was torn out of his packaging and set for a shot. He is standing on a lamp shade and I fired a SB800 up from underneath him. The bokeh is crazy, I just wish I shot it full open to have round circles instead of the octagons, now that I think of it though the shapes do kinda lend themselves to the feel of a deathstar. The big bursts of light reminded me of either stars or explosions of some sort.

D300 - 50 mm 1/160 f2.0

Strobist - SB800 fired from underneath diffused through a lamp shade at 1/128 or 1/64, i can't remember.

HALT, Jedi Scum! - The Battle of Bokehistan

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

#176 - Mario DWI

Inspired by the toy shots on www.flickr.com/photos/isayx3/ stream I decided to take a shot at it myself (that's punny). I only had my LX3 and even though it does have a F2.0 lens I didn't get as much DOF as I was hoping for so I helped it along in PS. I think it adds to the Don't Drink and Drive theme.

Time to get up on my soap box; during this Christmas season, please drink responsibly and stay off the roads if you've been drinking. Just because you are smashed it doesn't mean that I want to be - I'll take care of that myself thank you very much.

Have a safe Christmas and New Years everyone.


Mario DWI

Monday, December 14, 2009

#175 - Eco-Foe


Sunday, December 13, 2009

#174 - Pass With Care!

Pass With Care!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

#173 - Shoplifters Beware

Shoplifters Beware

Friday, December 11, 2009

#172 - Growing up too Fast!

Growing up too Fast!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

#171 - Cold War

To all the men and women that are in the service and are away from home and family this Christmas, we will be thinking of you. Be safe and have as Merry of a Christmas as you can.

Cold War

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

#170 = Bokehlicious Christmas

Bokehlicious Christmas

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

#169 - Even Too Cold For Dogs

Even Too Cold For Dogs

Monday, December 7, 2009

#168 - Chasing Your Tail

Chasing Your Tail - 168/365

Sunday, December 6, 2009

# 167 - Too Cold To Sit

Too Cold to Sit

Saturday, December 5, 2009

#166 - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like . . .

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

Friday, December 4, 2009

#165 Grand Carcass

Grand Carcass

Thursday, December 3, 2009

#164 - Winter Vacation

Winter Vacation

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

#163 - Solar Crossing

Solar Crossing

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

#162 - End of the Day

End of the Day - 162/365

Monday, November 30, 2009

#161 - Old home on the Range

Old Home on the Range

Sunday, November 29, 2009

#160 - All I Want For Christmas

I figured it was high time that I posted a picture of my beautiful wife Vera.

I have been following the work of many amazing photographers since joining flickr but two in particular have really moved me to step outside of my comfort zone and experiment more with off camera lighting.

Thanks to chris_florio and Dustin Diaz for your inspiration and all the other photographers that share their knowledge on flickr. If you haven't seen their work before you should check them out . Chris often posts set up videos that are very informative and Dustin has some of the best sep up shots out there.

I plan on doing more creative lighting shots throughout the winter so stay tuned and when possible I will post my set up shots for others to learn from as well.

Camera info:
D300 50mm 1.4 - 1/250 f1.4

Storbist info:
SB800 - 7 o'clock, 1/64 shoot through umbrella

SB600 - 2 o'clock,1/32 bare bulb

Chris' flickr site - www.flickr.com/photos/floriopics/

Dustin's flickr site - www.flickr.com/photos/polvero/

All I Want for Christmas

Saturday, November 28, 2009

# 159 - Camouflage

I pulled out the 50mm and was looking for something to shoot and then I saw this - or did I? Oscar blended in so well I almost sat on him. I know that I have already used Oscar once as a subject for my 365 but come on, cuteness factor aside I just had to share this delicious negative space image.


# 158 - Magic Lantern

Magic Lantern

Thursday, November 26, 2009

#157 - Beer Fort

This is the old Molson brewery in Edmonton. It was guarded by an old wooden fort replica, unfortunately the fort was not strong enough to protect it from economics. A few years ago Molson decided to shut down it's operations in Edmonton and the fort and the brewery now stand empty. It is probably for sale so if there are any takers out there with a few million burning a hole in their pocket I'm sure they would throw in the fort to sweeten the deal. Strange Brew all over again.

Beer Fort

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

#156 - Relaxation Row

Relaxation Row

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#155 - Pedal Power

Pedal Power

Monday, November 23, 2009

#154 - Chain Gang

Chain Gang

Sunday, November 22, 2009

#153 - Tiny Playground

My first tilt shift, I like the effect but I'm not sure if it works on this one. You tell me. I think the key is to have less foreground and more background, am I on the right track?

Tiny Playground

Saturday, November 21, 2009

#152 - I Hate Winter

Well it snowed again today and I think it is here to stay. By the title I think you all know how I feel about this lovely season. What better way to represent my feelings of depression than with a Lomo shot of nothingness. The countdown officially starts today until spring. Now that I got that out of my system I am going to try my best to find things bright and happy to shoot for the next 5 months - wish me luck.


I Hate Winter

Friday, November 20, 2009

#151 - Stair Master

Stair Master

Thursday, November 19, 2009

#150 - Non Smoker

A smoke stack from an old factory that was torn down many years ago. For some reason they never demolished the chimney so it stands alone in a big field. It has become somewhat of a landmark in Edmonton, it will be sad to see it fall one day but hopefully I'll be close by with a camera in hand.

Non Smoker

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

#149 - Fatal Error

Fatal Error

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

#148 - NCC-1701-D

OK, the secret is out - I'm a Trekkie. In honor of the latest Star Trek movie releasing on DVD today I thought I would post something fitting. I know it is very cheesy and nothing like my normal posts but hey, it's my 365 and if I want to be a little goofy, why not. If you like Star Trek you have to see this one, it's one of the best ones so far. Spock makes the movie both young and old.

Live long and prosper!



Monday, November 16, 2009

#147 - Moonlight vs Sunset

Moonlight vs Sunset

Sunday, November 15, 2009

#146 - Backyard Swing Set Hawaiian Style

Backyard Swing Set - Hawaiian Style

Saturday, November 14, 2009

#145 - Set Free

Set Free

Friday, November 13, 2009

#144 - Ba Ba Red Sheep

Ba Ba Red Sheep

Thursday, November 12, 2009

#143 - Rib Cage

Rib Cage


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